Wednesday, February 1, 2017

week 4


Yup you heard that right. I have to learn Spanish! Sister Robertson and I are in charge of four wards! So that means every Sunday we partake of the Sacrament four times haha. Its great. So I was the only sister that got sent off to Wyoming. I stayed at the mission home for one night and then the next day they announced where we our first areas were and only two of us got sent out to Wyoming. I had a feeling my first area was going to be Wyoming so I wasn't shocked at all! It was a bit of an emotional time saying goodbye to the sisters in my old district because they only gave me literally an hour after telling me where I was going. Then off I was! My companion has really been helping me get out of my comfort zone. This first week has been extremely hard and awkward. There is literally nothing out here. We have to drive an hour to get to a grocery store and there is only one gas station in the whole town. The population here is 288. We have five people on date for baptism so we are hoping all goes well! Saturday our car got stuck because there is just so much snow! In the mornings its about -1. The snow boots are coming in handy! Its so cold that your nose freezes up and you literally can't breathe. Good thing I love the cold! My first night here we had dinner with this couple in the ward, the Preators. Guess what? They served their mission together in Addias Ababa, Ethiopia! They know Diana Bingham too, so we had a lot to talk about! It was nice to have that in common with them and be able to bond with them on that subject.  I have yet to teach an actual lesson because all of our investigators keep backing out. Most of the time knocking on doors people don't answer. Its sad and its hard to keep positive when things aren't working out. Brother Jones in one of the wards actually served his mission in Valencia! He was the first person that knew where Valencia was. I will be honest I have never cried so much in my life. Ive been praying more than ever before and I'm relying on the lord more than ever. 

         Sister Miles

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