Tuesday, May 29, 2018


 "I got my headstone done 10 years ago so my kids wouldn't have to worry about it when I die. Sometimes I go up there to see how I'm doing. Birds are always pooping on it too." -Sister Thiel

Hey family and friends! Wow, one more email after this and then I'll be on my way home. As each day goes by my heart aches even more than the day before! I love the people here! They have become my family and I'll definitely be leaving the majority of my heart here when I leave.

Enough with the sappy stuff...here's this week!

~I shared in my last email about how sick I was on Sunday and I continued to be sick until Wednesday this past week so that took some time to get over.
~The Shiloh sisters came to my rescue as I sent them a text for 911 and needing ice cream! Totally cured my sickness haha!
~We got to see Peggy again and we continued to teach her about temples just to clarify everything for her. She will be trying to stop smoking so she can go so extra prayers wouldn't hurt!
~I had to start backing up all of my photos and information to a usb and it took a good chunk of hours. Shoutout to Sister Rash for being techy and helping me!
~We had my last dinner with the Riley family and it was so sad! But Sister Riley makes amazing brownies that she gave to us and I'll just say my life is forever changed!
~With the warm weather coming around, mosquitoes have been attacking us! It was about 65° in someone's house and I was sweating! My body isn't ready for California!
~We got to help clean Cove Creeks church building on Saturday and we got stuck with the good ole bathrooms haha. It was great to do some service since a couple less showed up so they needed the help.
~We did some service for Sister Thiel and got to help her write some things and such. We also had a great lesson with her and she's just amazing! We have lunch with her this week and I will miss her so much! She has become a true friend.
~We saw the Greens and had an amazing visit with them! Sister Green has surgery the 5th of June so please keep her and her family in your prayers! They found out not only is she in the 3rd stage of liver failure but also her kidneys are failing.
~We had dinner with the Murdock family who has all crazy boys (bless their hearts). We did the paper cross lesson with them and ended up making a ton since each of the boys wanted to learn how to do it.
~Yesterday was technically my last Sunday with Monad Ward since we have stake conference this week so Bishop Allen asked me to bear my testimony one last time and it was so sad! This place has become home. 
~Said a final goodbye to Kenzie Crossleys as she heads off to the MTC this week to serve in the Philippines!

The rest of the open time we tried a few people to visit and didn't have much success there but overall it was a good, spiritual week!

I have been so blessed to have been able to serve in this area for six months. I have witnessed so many miracles. Here is one of the recent miracles:

When I first met the Green family I had been in the area for about three weeks. They were a new move in to the ward. I was so drawn to them and wanted to get to know them as soon as I could. When I first met them we had talked for two hours and just got to know each other. Ellsie the daughter wasn't super active and was struggling with her testimony. She would ask questions with so much doubt in her heart and I just wanted to fix everything for her and help her to know that she had a Heavenly Father that loved her. Ever since I have been here, I have visited with the Green family every week. Sister Green started to go back to the temple regardless of her health problems. Ellsie recently shared with us her testimony and it felt as if my heart was to big to be inside and was bursting out of me. She has actively been attending the YSA ward, attends the temple weekly, reads her scriptures, prays, and now knows that their is a God and that He does answer prayers. When I first met Ellsie she was the definition of a having broken heart and a contrite spirit. She now plans to be married in the temple and so much more.

I testify that there is a God and that He does answer prayers and that He does love us. I know that the Savior gave his all for each person that has and will ever live on this earth. The Book of Mormon is another witness of Jesus Christ and his love for us. Have you read the Book of Mormon lately? When was the last time you knelt down and said your prayers? Have you asked God who needs you today?

I invite you all to ponder these questions and to act. I love this gospel and the peace it has brought me, as well as direction in my life. Have a great week everyone!

Keep the faith. 

Sister Austin Miles

2215 Monad Rd. Apt. 4
Billings, MT 59102

Montana Billings Mission

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Week 69

Sister Stevenson: *Eats off of husband's plate* "I don't want you getting fat."

This email is just going to consist of pictures! Love you all! 

Keep the faith. 
Sister Austin Miles

2215 Monad Rd. Apt. 4
Billings, MT 59102

Montana Billings Mission

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Week 68

Sister Thiel: "Honestly the Book of Mormon is good but if I am on a deserted island I'm gonna take a tall dark man with me. Nothing weird just to hunt and keep me warm at night it's just common sense."

Goodmorning lovelies! Wow I can't believe I have about a month left until I return home! Time won't stop! I have yet to accept the fact that I can't be a full time missionary forever! Happy early Mother's day to all the wonderful mothers I know!

Well we had a pretty good week! It felt like we were running around constantly and we could never catch a break! With that we had alot of fun things happen and got alot done!

Tuesday was our last day to attend the temple for a few weeks while they are closed for maintenance so we soaked all of that up! This week and next we get to help clean the temple! I'm mostly excited to clean the chandelier in the Celestial room! First experience! Anyways, we had some lessons Tuesday morning and then we had to go pick up treats for our fun get together with Don. We had a great turn out! We wanted to keep it a good size so 10 of the members, including our ward missionaries, came and we had a good time! Don cooked some deer for us and he begged me to try it. I did and it wasn't bad but I said "Don don't be offended if I hate it, I'm picky." I love that Don and I have that goofy relationship. Investigators are the best! Tuesday night we went to the church to meet a bunch of missionaries that were transferring. I got to see my sista Sister Phillips and her and Sister Miller got to stay the night at our place! That night was sadly a time for goodbyes for people I would not see for a good while. Sister Larsen was one of them! Yes I cried when I said goodbye to her! I absolutely love both Sister Phillips and Sister Larsen. They both have touched my heart and strengthened me. I'll be empty until I see them again!

Wednesday was transfer day so I had to sneak over to the mission home to see my bestie (girl husband) Sister Lewis! It was the last time we would see each other until she returns home in July! I adore Sister Lewis beyond comprehension. As she got into the transfer van I couldn't hold myself back from singing "God be with you till we meet again." Haha she wasn't having it.

Thursday besides having tons of planning, we went out for visits with the Cove Creek ward! We had a person or two tell us not to contact them and then a member that wanted their name removed from the church. So...it was interesting and sad at the same time. We also did service for Sister Nadeau that day and helped her clean out her fridge.

Friday was packed! We started off with service at the food bank at 10 and were there for a little. We made sack lunches for the homeless and it was great! After we went over to the Greens to help Sister Green pack for her trip! They are going to be in Utah until the end of May! While we were there Ellsie shared her talent with us and played a few songs on the guitar and sang to us! I had chills! I just love the Green family and don't ever want to leave them! Later we saw Sister Hodges and we always enjoy our visits with her. She's the sweetest women! For dinner that night we went out to Olive Garden with Sister Thiel and it was the best! First time having that in over a year!

Saturday was wild and tiring! We had service with Sister Thiel at her daughter's house. Our assignment was to clean 10 feet + windows for a relief society activity we are having this week. The windows had bugs, mud and water spots all over them so she wanted them to look presentable haha. We did that for about three hours in the scorching heat and I almost got stung by a bee and fell in the pool. That would have been an interesting one to explain to President. By the end of it we smelt terrible and we had to run over to the church to have interviews with the sister training leaders. Poor Sister Wilson had to sit with me for about 40 minutes! I love love Sister Wilson and her cute personality. She loves the people she serves and is the sweetest! After all that I had to run home to take a shower because it was that bad! The rest of the night we visited people and dropped off cookies!

Sunday we had ward council super early so that was rough! Yesterday was fast Sunday so usually I'm a bit slower haha. We had such a fun time with both of our wards. I bore my testimony in each and teared up for sure! I'm so sad to be leaving these people soon. It doesn't feel real. That night we had dinner with the Combs family and it was a blast! We had elk!

We had a great week! Super busy and we have another busy week ahead of us!

I love my Savior and I truly am grateful for his grace and patience with me. Have a great week!

Keep the faith. 
Sister Austin Miles

2215 Monad Rd. Apt. 4
Billings, MT 59102

Montana Billings Mission