Sunday, June 25, 2017

Week 23


How is everyone doing? Today is going to be a short email just because nothing crazy happened this week...just the usual. We went to cafe rio twice because sister cannon LOVES it. Yesterday I ate frog legs and it wasn't too bad. I just couldn't get passed the thought of eating a frog leg haha. Greg our amazing investigator is making huge progress! He's praying about July 8th for his baptism date! Shanelle is on date for July 4th and Bonnie on date for July 5th so a lot of exciting things are happening! I'll be sad once I leave great falls. I have seen so much progress in this area since the time I got here. The blatters are getting sealed on July 1st so that's even more exciting! Kirby also said he will go to the temple for baptisms if we go with him so we are pumped! Can't believe that July 4th is officially my six month mark...time is starting to fly by. Hope everyone had a great fathers day! Love you all! Keep the faith.

Sister Miles ♡

107 19th Street N
Great Falls, MT 59401

Week 22

Good morning! Hope everyone had a great time last week! How are we all doing? This transfer is off to a rough start but I am keeping as positive as possible! Sister Cannon has been sick most of the week so we haven't been as busy as usual but the work cannot go on if us as missionaries aren't well! 

what...I'VE GAINED 15 POUNDS since being on my mission. I hate Montana(jk ). So in the mornings we are going more hardcore and eating less snacks which is smart haha. What was not smart or us last week was eating a almost two pound burger. Yes about two pounds...why? Well Brother Bailey said that the elders weren't able to finish the burger and gave up so we accepted the challenge to beat them. It took us an hour to eat it and we were force feeding ourselves to a point of almost vomiting. The rest of the day was downhill. We were bloated all day and I couldn't even eat dinner. Have you ever seen the movie whitechicks? Well we were having our own whitechicks moment with the bathroom scene. Tmi sorry but you know me! Honest! Last Monday we played chair soccer and wrecked the elders. I have bruises all over my body but it's cool. WE'RE BEASTS. Sister Cannon and I are so much alike it's kinda scary. She's interested in law enforcement because her dad is a sheriff so we share interests in some things! She's a lot of fun and very down to earth, I love it. I gave my discussion last week on accountability and it wasn't bad! Responsibility is so important. Last week was pretty hard. We had the sister training leaders show up Saturday unexpectedly. Sister Wadsworth has been worried about me so the sisters drove down for a day exchange. I had sister Keezlee and she's amazing. I admire her a lot. It was nice to have someone to talk to. I get to have exchanges with her at the end of June so I'm excited! 

Last week we saw a less active that Sister Decker and I had visited twice or so and it was very touching. The first time I met her she looked much healthier and was so much more mobile. Now she is completely immobile and has lost a lot of weight. She had open heart surgery recently to help with her cancer. The doctors finally told her that there was no more that they could do and that her time was coming. When we showed up we had asked her how she was doing because I hadn't seen her in two months. She looked me in the eyes and said "I'm dying and I'm scared". Tears filled both her eyes and mine. I immediately grabbed her hand and hugged her. In that moment my testimony of the plan of salvation has never been stronger. In that moment I was also angry at myself that I had lacked the visits with her when she could have needed me most. I then thought I can't look back, I can only look forward. We brought her flowers, cookies and a card the next day and she loved it. Though I wasn't there then I'm here now and I hope I can have her leave this world with knowing that someone loved her and knew of her worries. I bore testimony to her that the Lord loves her and that we have somewhere to go and that everything will be okay. I cried the whole day after that experience. Don't ever deny a prompting you receive. If the spirit is telling you that you need to go and see someone...go. I bare testimony that you all have a purpose in this life. Serve others. Love them. You are all leaders. I have seen so much joy in those that have found the gospel and have an opportunity to change. Share that great news to people. In the adjusting to missionary life book it reads:" Remember, Heavenly Father loves you. Trust in Him and in the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ to heal and redeem you. God has a perfect plan for His imperfect children; this is the good news you carry to the world." 

I have a testimony of this gospel. It has changed my life. Though I may struggle, I am the happiest I have ever been. I promise you that as you give your whole heart into this great work and this amazing gospel, you will never be led astray. Keep on keeping on. I love you all! Keep the faith.

Sister Miles ♡

107 19th Street N
Great Falls, MT 59401

Week 21

Well last week was transfers. Sister Decker left to Wyoming and I got Sister Cannon as my new companion! She's been out for about 8 months! Last week was crazy busy and stressful now that I'm in charge of this area. Driving wears me out! It's getting really hot down here so we are always sweating. We have quite a few people we are teaching so the work is moving along! We are planning to get three people on data for baptism this week so we are praying real hard! Last week was extremely hard for sure. We were in the middle of a lesson with Kirby and I had to run outside because I was about to throw up due to all of the stress. Yesterday I asked brother bailey to give me a blessing because I had cried every single day last week and was just struggling. I have a testimony of the power of the priesthood. It lifts you up and strengthens you. I feel a much better than I did last week and that's all because of the power of the priesthood. Brother bailey and Kirby said they each got two hours of sleep Saturday night after they had seen the shape that I was in. Sister Cannon said I looked extremely pale and not well. Brother bailey was so worried he called my mission presidents. Sister Wadsworth talked with me yesterday and said "You can do this." I immediately felt motivated. It's nice having a ward family that cares so much about you. Since I don't have my family here to hug me, they do. I am doing a lot better so don't worry! Yesterday being fast and testimony meeting I went up and bore my testimony. I bore my testimony on the importance of studying the scriptures daily and praying as a family. It is so important, do not take it lightly. I promise you more blessings and happiness will come to you as you obey God's commandments. I have seen many miracles since being on my mission. I know that the reason those miracles have happened is because I have been striving to be the most obedient I can be. Salvation does not come easy, it is earned. If Jesus was to come to earth tomorrow would you be ready? Ponder on that...don't wait tomorrow, or next week, or next month to change something. Do it today. I love you all and I miss you so much. You have so much to offer to the world. Go out and share it. Keep the faith. Have the best week! 

Sister Miles ♡

107 19th Street N
Great Falls, MT 59401