Thursday, October 5, 2017

Week 37

Well, today is deep clean Monday and Sister Labrum and I have been ripping apart our apartment and
trashing so much stuff.  We realized how much unnecessary stuff we own so we decided to let it go.

We find out transfer news on Sunday so that's exciting!! So this week was interesting as usual.  We
went to see one of our investigators Libby and she kicked us out of her apartment because she has
bed bugs!  We are in the clear but her reaction was hilarious.  We also got stopped by this guy on
the street who wanted us to meet him down at the laundry mat.  He had a few questions.  Turns out
he had questions about Vampires and the book of Enoch.  It was so strange. Never a dull moment!

Sister Labrum birthday was this week so we trashed the apartment with confetti all thanks to the
package mama Miles sent.

We had interviews this week as well.  President Wadsworth is just the best!

General Women's Conference was great.  I definitely needed the spiritual boost.  Ya'll need to watch
General Conference this weekend.

I was sick for 3 days so the work this week has been slow.  Had to go to the doctors and all that fun
stuff but I am better now.  Thank you for all of your support.

I leave you with my Testimony that when you are lost or feel abandoned, "The good Shepard will
find you" Press forward onto the Tree of Life that represents the love of God.  I invite you all to
read 1 Nephi chapter 8.  Love you all.  Keep the Faith

Sister Miles

Week 36

Good morning lovelies! Well another crazy eventual week in the Helena 4th area with my amazing companion Sister Labrum. It went from the high 80s to SNOWING here! I had sent home all of my winter clothes so I was wearing my companions for a few days. She's a lifesaver. 

So last Monday we went on a fun train tour with the other sisters and this was my second time going since Sister Labrum had never gone. It was fun but super hot! Later that evening we met a man named Sunny who was a referral from some members. Nicest person ever! Him and his wife are actually Hindu so I won't lie I was careful with my words. We set up a time to come back so that was exciting! We went back over later that week and Sunny wasn't there but we met his wife and guess what her name is...Gina! She is seriously so sweet! She invited us in and we chatted with her for a little and she expressed that she was comfortable with her religion but wanted us to come back because she wanted to learn more! No lie I have never taught anyone who practiced Hinduism so I'm nervous but excited! 

Tuesday was exchanges and I got to be with Sister Medley again! Let me tell you, Sister Medley is the most kind and loving person on this planet. At the beginning of the exchange her and I talked for a good 45 minutes and just venting basically. As I cried she continuously expressed her love for me. Sister Medley is an example of a Christlike person hands down. She truly is a huge example to me and I love her to pieces! We both had a great day teaching! That day I was able to see the joy of missionary work since I had been struggling lately to see the good. Tuesday was an uplifting day! 

Wednesday was district meeting and as always I leave there spiritually uplifted and recharged. The rest of the day was a bit challenging. Not a lot of people answered their doors and were interested in talking with us. We did however put our investigator Kayd on date for baptism! Kayd is 10 and just a crack up. At the end of the meeting we asked Kayd if he would say the prayer and it brought tears to my eyes. He said this: "Thank you for sending me people to help me find the way. Please never leave me." A 10 year old! The gospel is good. 

Thursday...the most traumatic day of my life. HAIR EMERGENCY. So Wednesday night I decided I would bleach my hair to get it lighter. After I had done that I realized I had made a horrible mistake. My head was like five different colors. I had another box of hair dye that was red so I figured the red would even it out and fix it. I colored it that morning again and boy did I make a huge mistake. My hair was blotchy and funky. In the morning it didn't look to bad but throughout the day I began to realize that my head was actually orange. I looked like thanksgiving literally! I even matched my Halloween oreos! We had a stake meeting that night and there was no way I was showing up like that. So with the little time we had we ran to Walgreens to get hair dye and I ended up coloring my hair at a less actives home while Sister Labrum washed my head in the sink. After coloring my hair THREE time within 24 hours my head was so stiff. I had to put tons of coconut oil in my hair that night and woke up luckily with softer hair. Basically I'm lucky to have hair on my head. 

Another fun thing happened when we went to go visit an investigator. We knocked on the door and a lady answered. She had said that Troy was hooked on meth and broke into someone's home threatening them and went to jail. We really have the most interesting area ever. This week was a little slower for us and we dropped alot of people so it's been a challenge but when life gets rough, keep going! 

This week as I was studying in Preach My Gospel, I was looking into Christlike attributes. I studied faith one day and the story of David and Goliath. David blows me away at the great faith he had. There's a scripture is 1 Samuel 17:45 that says:

"Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied." 

David came in the name of the Lord. We have Goliaths in our lives that we have to face but we need to run at the Goliaths and have faith in our Savior Jesus Christ. We doubt because Satan tells us that it's okay. Christ even said "Wherefore didst thou doubt?" 

I have a growing testimony of this gospel and in my Savior Jesus Christ. The Book of Mormon is my safe place in times where I may lack peace in my life. I know I can always turn to the Book of Mormon and be uplifted. 

This week is Sister Labrums birthday so her and I are going to party it up on Wednesday! I actually took her discussion for her so she didn't have to speak on her birthday haha. Also transfers are October 4th (my nine months mark)!

I love you all so much! Keep the faith. 

Sister Austin Miles ♡

HELENA, MT 59601

Montana Billings Mission 🇧🇿

Week 35

Zone Conference
why not jump on the bed?
Putting a squirrel out of its misery

Hey everyone!

Welcome to another exciting week in the life of Sister Miles. Helena
is full of smoke and it's residence are slowly withering away. The
inside of my lungs are probably black and everyone we talk to is
positive the end is near.

This week had it's ups and downs, but I would like to focus on the ups.

I got my haircut on Monday at the only salon open in town
due to Labor Day.  We were the only ones, along with the hairdresser
who started asking questions about the church! She said that she hoped
to see us around so we left her with our number and I'll probably go
back to get my hair done soon.

That night while driving around we saw this less active. we pulled over and Sister Labrum yelled "MICHAEL! COME OVER HERE!" And I am positive she scared him half to death since he had no idea who she was. But once he saw me hop out of the truck all was cool.

Tuesday we pretty much street contacted all day and no one was interested.

Wednesday we woke up early and dropped our car off at the body shop.
The Sisters from 6th Ward picked us up and we drove to Butte for zone

But zone conference was really great and uplifting. I learned a lot of
great stuff about helping people make and keep commitments and really
felt the Spirit.

The next 2 nights we stayed with some members, the Zullos, since their
house is in a central location and we could easily walk to most of our
appointments. At one point we were walking when I decided
I just really needed chocolate. We walked in a gas station when a
lady approached us and said she always wanted to met with missionaries
but her boyfriend was against it. They have since broken up and she
moved out. Also turns out we are teaching her sister and she lives
there too!

Thursday was really great. We had our first lesson with a new
investigator named Terry. We taught him the Restoration and he told us
he could feel the Holy Ghost telling him what we said was true. Sister Labrum
invited him to be baptized and before she finished the sentence he said
yes and set a date for October 14th!

That night we met this man Sister Labrum and I now call "Spiritual
Scott". The conversation started off normal as we talked about Christ,
faith, and all that good stuff. Then he started going on about child
birth and crying and it was really weird. At one point he started
telling me how beautiful I was and then he turned to Sister Labrum
and said "And you have really bad acne." A sentence which really
boosted her fragile self esteem. And we keep running into him! Like
everywhere! It's super weird.

Friday was rough and a day that I don't want to go into detail about
but some events from the day include guys rolling joints in the
library and finding a member of our ward on the side of the road

We got our truck back early that evening and were able to go back to
our house. The next morning we were greeted by the Nielson's cats, who
brought us a mangled ground squirrel, still alive and writhing in
pain. We couldn't just let it suffer. I suggested we crush its head to put it out of its misery, but Sister Labrum suggested a more humane approach. So we put it in a trash bag and tied it to our exhaust pipe. Afterwords we held a funeral service for the rodent in its grave of pine cones.
That day we also taught Steve. Missionaries have been meeting with him
for a long time and he's never gotten completely on board with the
entire gospel yet. We asked him if he believed the church was true. He
said that he's read the Bible and from what he can gather, we have the
closest organization to what Christ established when he was on the
earth, but he wasn't sold that we were in fact, the same church Christ
established. Sister Labrum asked him if he believed Joseph Smith was a prophet and he said yes, in which Sister Labrum rebutted "If Joseph Smith was a prophet, then isn't this Christ's church established on the earth today? The one, true church?" In which he reasoned "I guess you're right. guess that means I need to get baptized now. I'll pick a date and tell you next week." And he went on his way.

Libby came to church on Sunday! She told us she was only going to stay
for Sacrament Meeting but ended up staying all 3 hours and she loved
it! She said she was definitely going to come back and that church
inspired her to clean her house more.

But Sunday was also pretty rough. We had a rapid succession drop fest
of people telling us they were no longer interested in meeting with
us. Including one investigator who we couldn't get a hold of for 2
weeks. She came to church and we stopped by her house that night, in
which she yelled thorough the door that if we ever stopped by again
she would call the cops on us. We're not sure what happened to make
her feel that way but it was definitely heartbreaking.

I love you! 
Sister Austin Miles ♡

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Week 34

Good morning friends! How are we all doing? Well last week was crazy! Definitely one of the most stressful/strangest weeks in my mission. Monday was crazy. We had service and got to help pour concrete which I was super excited about because it reminded me of the things I got to do in Peru and it just felt like home. Monday morning we got a call from our investigator Tiffany who I've told you about. Out of the blue she called us and said she didn't want to be baptized anymore and that she was going to find another church. Sister Labrum and I were completely silent on the phone and didn't know what to say. It was heartbreaking. That day was by far the most heartbreaking day I've had on my mission. I was pretty much in shock all day so I didn't have time to cry. Later on that night we had dinner with the Stake President and his family and I lost it. The next day I was so sick and sad from what had happened we stayed home most of the day because I just couldn't get out of bed. We later had lessons that day and the craziness just continued. One day we decided to go into these apartments that everyone told us not to go into but Sister Labrum and I are rebels so we did it anyways. They are called the guardian apartments. After being in there for 30 minutes we came out so sick. We had a headache for two days straight and later came to find out that they cook meth there! I WAS ON METH! We didn't realize what was going on but we were so hungry and dizzy we realized that we were second hand high. It was awful. The next morning we were both so sick we stayed home for a little and it was rough. Lots of sick days last week! Our week just gets better. So at this point we are still sick and not feeling good but we went to our lessons anyways. We show up to this appointment thinking we were going to teach a new investigator but it all went a different direction. The lady we met started to give us directions on how to take care of her mother. Her mother is 80+ years old and has Alzheimer's. She then didn't give us time to speak then was out the door and said thank you for us staying with her mom. Sister Labrum and I looked at each other and were like wow we are babysitting a 80+ year old right now who barely talks. Her name is Myrl and Myrl loves stories so we told her stories for and hour and now she probably thinks we are crazy. 

On the bright side of everything we found so many new investigators! We found five people just by calling them and asking if they wanted to take the missionary discussions again! It was awesome! Heavenly Father really has been placing people in our path. 

The smoke here is pretty crazy so a member gave us masks and told us to wear them so below there's a cool picture of us. 

This week I studied a little in Moroni 7 and read about charity. Something that I have never noticed before was the answer to everyone's question at times. How can we have and feel every good thing? 

20 And now, my brethren, how is it possible that ye can lay hold upon every good thing?
21 And now I come to that faith, of which I said I would speak; and I will tell you the way whereby ye may lay hold on every good thing.
22 For behold, God knowing all things, being from everlasting to everlasting, behold, he sent angels to minister unto the children of men, to make manifest concerning the coming of Christ; and in Christ there should come every good thing.
23 And God also declared unto prophets, by his own mouth, that Christ should come.
24 And behold, there were divers ways that he did manifest things unto the children of men, which were good; and all things which are good cometh of Christ; otherwise men were fallen, and there could no good thing come unto them. 

In Christ everything can be made good. Trust in him. This time around I am studying christlike attributes in the Book of Mormon and it's amazing all the things you can discover. I have a testimony of this church that it can do everything to make one happy. Have faith and trust in God. Keep the faith. 

I invite you all to read 1 Nephi 8. This chapter is so applicable to today. Be the person that goes towards the tree of life and is not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I love you all! 

Sister Austin Miles ♡

HELENA, MT 59601

Montana Billings Mission 🇧🇿

Week 33

Good morning friends! Wow what a week! Obviously transfers happened and I'm with Sister Labrum! She's from Kansas! Shocker right, not Utah! She's the best! We have so much in common and get along great, I just love her! Shes so dang funny. Her alarm in the morning says "You're beautiful and you don't deserve this." Haha, shes a blast! With transfer week it's been pretty stressful since I am leading out the Helena 4th area. Poor Sister Labrum has to direct me everywhere because I don't know where I'm going here! I'm slowly starting to get the hang of it though! 

Guess what? I'm coming up on 8 months! How crazy is that? This transfer ends on my half way mark...time is starting to fly by! Anyways...

This week we found five new investigators and this whole transfer we are shooting for 50 more! The Lord truly is preparing people and putting them in our path. One of the families we met is so dang cute! The moms name is Jolene and she has two cute daughters! They were just chatting up a storm with us! It was cool at first because Jolene was really unsure about us but by the end of our conversation she had said that we could come back and share more with her. The spirit truly does soften people's hearts it's amazing. 

We had quite a bit of lessons this week so we have been super busy! Today I am so excited because we are helping the Lay family pour concrete in their backyard! I'm excited because it reminds me of Peru and I actually know how to do it! Pictures to come later! 

So Tiffany one of our investigators is getting baptized September 9th so it's coming up and we are excited! Meeting Tiffany really was a miracle when Sister Packer and I met her. Saturday we taught the word of wisdom. Right when she opened up the pamphlet and saw that we couldn't drink coffee she yelled out "WHAT NO COFFEE?" She was saying how she has coffee every morning and how she didn't think she could give that up. I shared with her Greg's story (investigator from great falls) and she felt more comforted knowing that if someone like him could give up something so big in his life, she would be willing to. After she cried and shared with us how hard it would be she then got up and gave us all of her coffee and told us to throw it out. She didn't even think twice! Tiffany is truly the elect. I had asked her one day what made her so interested in the church and she said "I was just tired of living in sin in my old life." Now here's the scare that Sister Labrum and I had. Sunday morning Tiffany called us out of the blue and said "This is too hard. I don't understand why coffee is a sin. I won't be coming to church or be baptized." I was silent. It was the most heartbreaking feeling that I had ever felt on my mission. I felt Gods sorrow through me for Tiffany. We worked out to come over to her house and talk with her about what she was feeling. After my tears and hers she got up and immediately got ready for church. I had no idea what I was going to say to help Tiffany. I just let the spirit guide me and surely enough the spirit never fails. We had told Tiffany that the adversary will get to her approaching her baptism. This goes for all of us. Satan likes to bring us down to a place we never could imagine. 

I have a testimony that this church is so true. That the spirit truly does soften the hearts of men. I am grateful for my mission experience. Even after all the tears, anger, disappointment, and trials I know that this is the Lords work and he will always prepare a way for those who stand in need of it. 

I finished the Book of Mormon for the first time in my life last week. I started it in the MTC and read it on and off until now. After I finished it and closed the book, I starred at it for a good five minutes with tears in my eyes. I had finished the most true book ever. I began in the MTC not having a testimony of my own and not knowing if the church was true or not. I then read the Book of Mormon and it filled the missing piece in my life. I never knew that there was more to my purpose on this earth. I didn't think a book could change my life but it did. This is where I invite you to study the Book of Mormon each day. I promise it will enrich your life and give you so much peace. Keep the faith! 

I love you all so much! I hope every one has an amazing week! 

My facebook: Sister-Austin Miles 

Funny story of the week: We knocked on some one's door and they were like "Are you from CPS (Child protective services), what's going on?" I've never gotten that one before! 

Below are some pictures of me with our investigator Libby, the Bromlies throwing their couch over the railing after we moved it and more fun stuff! Libby is the one who gave us the flowers! Tiffany is the one with me and Sister Packer! And our good ol mouse problem :) 

Sister Austin Miles ♡


Montana Billings Mission 🇧🇿

Friday, August 25, 2017

Week 32

Good morning! This week is transfer week! I will be staying in my area and getting a new companion! Her name is Sister Labrum (I think that's how you spell her name). I've met her a couple of times and she seems fun! I'll be leading out the area and driving the truck! Whoop whoop! I'm nervous because I be only been in this area for six weeks and I don't know my way around at all but it's okay! Well last week...

Missionary feet.  ouch!
Lots of miracles! You know the investigator Tiffany we met? She accepted to be baptized September 9th! We are so stoked! We found a lot of investigators last week that seem very promising so good things are happening here! Saturday night we tracted for two hours and let me tell ya...we were so sore the next day. We were literally hiking haha. It was good exercise though! After tracting for two hours we hadn't found a single person. Most people weren't home but the ones that were weren't interested. At first I was disappointed but the realized that the Lord sees our efforts. If we do our part, he promises to make up the difference. With this next story it shows that he really does provide. Last night after receiving transfer calls honestly I was whining. I was thinking more about myself than others and worrying about how I was going to handle this area. Well turns out it was a good thing Sister Packer pulled off to the side to listen to me vent. We pulled off in front of this house not even paying attention that we were blocking the person's parking spot. A car pulled up and we looked for a second but then kept talking. We were both hesitant to talk to this woman because we were distracted but talking about our own problems. Well finally it became awkward just sitting side by side with her so we got out and asked if she needed any help with bringing her stuff inside. We then began to chat with her and she noticed that we were Mormons. Most people run away at this point...well she stayed. She was telling us how she has yet to find a church so we shared with her our message. She set up a time to meet with us so we will be seeing her tomorrow! When we were saying bye to her we apologized for being in her spot and said said "Well I guess it was meant to be". (yes I am crying right now)

The Lord truly has been placing people in our path and it's been the most wonderful thing. Andrea and Isaiah who we met a week or two back have been going through some things. We were set up for a lesson but it wasn't able to happen because Andrea had told us that she had just found out that her cousin had passed away in a car accident. As she was standing there sobbing to us I then realized why this gospel is so important. It says in the scriptures to come to the Lord with a broken heart and a contrite spirit and he will heal us. Andrea had exactly that. I saw the hurt in her eyes and I poured out my testimony of the plan of salvation. I testified to her that she will see her cousin again and t hay we believe that families can be together forever. She then responded "I hope so." She said I hope so...there are so many people out there in this world that hope for this great news, but I am glad to say that this church has that great news. Families are eternal. I cried after that visit just so happy but broken that not everyone has that knowledge. I am grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and the hope that comes from it. I have a testimony that this life is just but a small moment but that there is more to after this life. I have a testimony of the Book of Mormon. That book changed my life. The Book of Mormon is how I know this church is true. This week I will be finishing the Book of Mormon for the first time in my life. As I have come towards the end I have been so emotional at the power that comes from one book. My heart is so full from the message that the Book of Mormon contains. It filled my missing piece in my life that I didn't know I was missing. 

Today I invite you to look up the words to the hymn 219 "Because I Have Been Given Much" and to ask yourself: What have I given today? 

I love you all. Have a wonderful week and HAPPY ECLIPSE DAY! (Montana gets to see 90% of it) 

Part 1 of pictures! 

Sister Austin Miles ♡

HELENA, MT 59601

Montana Billings Mission 🇧🇿

Friday, August 18, 2017

Week 31

Well hello! Wow last week was just amazing! We found so many new investigators! The work is moving along! Transfers are next week! Just a heads up! I suspect I will be staying but who knows! Today is deep clean Monday so we get to clean the heck out of our apartment! It's also starting to cool down here. Today's a bit gloomy so it'll probably rain! Can you believe it's august? A year ago this month I decided to serve a time flies. In another six weeks I will be halfway through my mission y'all! THIS CALLS FOR A CELEBRATION. Well let me tell you about all the miracles...

Tuesday we were on exchanges and I led out the area. It was my first time driving a truck but I did it! I was with Sister Medley and I was actually the one who took her place in Great Falls. She was companions with Sister Decker as well and knew all of the people in Great Falls so it was nice sharing something like that in common. She is such an amazing missionary. I look up to her. We had a great day that day. It was full of finding new people, getting sunburnt, sweating, having a creepy man take pictures of us, and a crazy women preach to us. It was great haha! By the end of the night we were going to visit a less active. We knocked on her door a few times but no answer. She always answers her door so I was very surprised that she didn't come out. Well as we were heading back to the car I stopped and said "We should go try the neighbor." The neighbor happened to be a former investigator who I remember trying my first week here but was always so busy. He usually talks to us for about a minute and then goes on his way but this time he stayed. We ended up teaching him for 45 minutes on his porch. He opened up to us and shared his life story. He was more open than he ever has been and asked us to share something with him. We started to share some scriptures from the Book of Mormon and he asked if we could mark them for him. He went inside and came out with his book and we began to start highlighting some of our favorite scriptures. Towards the end of the lesson I asked if we could say a prayer...well I have never prayed on a doorstep but the spirit was prompting me to. As I closed our prayer Jerome looks at us and says "Wow I've got chills. I've never had this before." We said "that's the spirit!" We invited him to church and he said "well if I felt something as strong as that I'll go to church everyday." It was a miracle. From being super bummed our lesson had fallen through we then knew that it was a blessing because Jerome was then prepared to hear the great message that the truth has been restored. So pumped! 

Miracle number two: 
Saturday evening we had just gotten out of a lesson with a less active and we were running late for our next appointment. As we were walking (speed walking) down the hall a girl stopped us and asked us when the farmers market was. We had no clue but we got to chat with her for a little. She then asked us "who are you with?" Well we jumped right into it and shared with her the message of the Book of Mormon and the power behind it. She said "I'm actually looking for a church!" We asked if we could come back and share more with her and she said that she wasn't interested in the lessons but said she would love to come to church. Sure enough next day she came to church. We sat down for sacrament and all was well. Thirty minutes into the hour she looks over to us and says "Do you think I can go home? I don't know if I fit in here." We then didn't want to push her so we agreed we would find someone to take her home after the first hour. Ten minutes after that conversation she looked over again and said "I actually think I'm okay. How am I ever going to know what it's like if I don't try?" Inside we were screaming! She later than shared with us that because she will now be attending our church she wanted to learn more. We are know teaching Tiffany! We bare testimony that we know that the spirit can change the hearts of the people here today. We were all worried about being late to our next lesson but realized what a blessing that was. If we had not been late, we wouldn't have met the sweetest of them all...Tiffany. The church is true! 

Our week was full of amazing things so I am super excited what is to come of this area! How has everyone been? School season is here! Have fun! 

I love you all very much and leave you with my testimony that I truly know that this church is true. I plead with you as Heavenly Father does to read the Book of Mormon, go to church, pray as a family, and strive to go to the temple. It's true. The church is true. 

"The work is demanding, the impact is everlasting." -President Monson

"Satan is really good...but the good news about the gospel is that we are better."

"Stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight."

"Have as much faith in yourself as you do in the Savior."

"If for a while the harder you try, the harder it gets. Take heart. So it has been with the best people who ever lived."- Elder Holland

"Our opportunities to give of ourselves are indeed limitless, but they are also perishable. There are hearts to gladden. There are kind words to say. There are gifts to be given. There are deeds to be done. There are souls to be saved."-President Monson 

Have an amazing week! 
Keep the faith! 

I will send more pictures later! 

Sister Austin Miles ♡

HELENA, MT 59601

Montana Billings Mission 🇧🇿

Week 30

In n out hats from Dad

Well last week wasn't the most eventual except for zone conference and tiwi boxes! I was sick on Wednesday so we stayed home the majority of the day. I had a doctor's appointment as well and we had to get our truck fixed. We had some lessons with investigators and less actives as well. We found another investigator Libby and she has no belief in Christ or God but said she wanted us to come back every week and teach her because she's curious. It's pretty much a miracle! 

So with the tiwi boxes we were the last mission in the United States to get them so we are pretty darn lucky. We have to log in every time we get into the car with our tiwi cards so it identifies whose in the car and whose driving. If you're going too fast it'll say "check your speed" or driving over bumps too fast "aggressive driving" so it talks to us haha. All of the reports go back to the mission home and there's a camera so they can see where we are, how long we were there for and how many miles we went. If you're doing something wrong the light will go red and it notifies the mission. It's pretty intense! conference! It's always great seeing President and sister Wadsworth. They go home the first week of July and apparently my group goes home July 23rd or so so I will have a new mission President for my departing interview which is sad! I'm bummed! Zone conference was so amazing. I cried pretty much the whole time. The spirit was so strong and every one's inspiring words. We had departing testimonies for the missionaries going home and one of the elders bore the most amazing testimony. He explained the Atonement throughout his mission and how it has affected him. Just recently he got a call from home with some sort of devastating news regarding his family with only a few weeks to go until he is home. He bore his testimony on how sometimes we have to go through Gethsemane to realize how much the Savior loves us. He stood in our place. Because of him we don't have to suffer, IF we come unto him. That is the most important part. I have such a strong testimony of Jesus Christ. He is the Son of God. Everything is possible because of him. 

Let this gospel change you. I know families can be together forever. This is the true church which we can return to live with our Heavenly Father again. Jesus is the Christ. 

"For behold, this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God; yea, behold the day of this life is the day for men to perform their labors." - Alma 34:32 

I love you all ðŸ’› 

Keep the faith! 

Sister Austin Miles ♡

HELENA, MT 59601

Montana Billings Mission 🇧🇿

Monday, July 31, 2017

Week 29

Hello friends! Can you believe that this week is already August? Sorry that summer is coming to and end for y'all. No summer for missionaries so it doesn't bother me haha. I'm pretty happy because that means fall is coming around! It's sad that I'm used to the 90-100 degree weather here. I don't really notice the difference except for the nice sunburn on my arms! I'm going to come home so tan! (Tan in my eyes) 

So....last week! 
Definitely wiped out but it was great we got a lot of work done! Exciting news we have a new family that is investigating the church and they came to church yesterday! We had dinner with them last Friday with some members and the lesson we had was so amazing, it left some of us crying (aka me). They are so awesome. They stayed for all three hours plus the dinner the ward provided and I'm just so excited! Update on Chelsey! I love this girl so much. She has been progressing so much since I got here. She went from the stubborn Chelsey that I love to a Chelsey that wants to change. Whenever she says "I'm gonna go have a smoke" I punch her and tell her how bad it is and she just laughs. We have a very close relationship and I just have so much faith in her. We are just working hard right now helping less actives return to church and finding new investigators! We have so many people that are so close to baptism so we are super excited. 

If y'all didn't know Montana is having some crazy fires so pretty much the whole state of Montana fasted and prayed for the fires to stay under control. 

This week we have zone conference and it is one of my favorite parts of the transfer because we get to see President and Sister Wadsworth! I also get to see Sister Cannon this week so I'm excited! I miss her! 

Lately I have been thinking about what it means to be a disciple of Christ. Everyday I think of ways I can improve by one being more like the Savior and two being his disciple. A disciple devotes all their time to the Lord, thinks not of them self and more. Being a disciple of Christ we then realize that our lives will never be ours again. That is being completely selfless and putting all of your efforts and time towards the Lord. This is something that I have struggled with throughout my mission. Dedicating it all to the Lord and becoming completely selfless throughout the work. We learn from the Savior to love and to serve others. Developing Christlike attributes is something I have been striving to obtain as well lately. In Nephi 27:27 it says "...therefore, what manner of men ought ye to be? Verily I say unto you, even as I am." This scripture hit me pretty hard last week when I was thinking about being more like Christ. We all struggle with devoting all of our energy and time to the Lord because the natural man is selfish. It is promised to us in Matthew 16:25 that "For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it." 

I have a testimony of this gospel that I know it is true and it will improve the quality of your lives. I have a testimony that the book of Mormon is true and by reading it daily you will discover who Christ is in your lives. Keep the faith. 

The gospel changes share it! 

I love you all ❤

Sister Austin Miles ♡

HELENA, MT 59601

Week 28

Well since it's almost August....just about a year ago was the time I decided to serve a mission...weird! Has it seriously been a year?! Well pretty soon I'll be at seven months so that's crazy! 

Well last week I was sick on Tuesday so we stayed home all day and I got to sleep which was nice because I was just not feeling the greatest. Doing better now, still a little off though but oh well! We have been in the process of trying to find new investigators and it's been tough. Especially out in this heat. I have tan lines everywhere! Well we had district meeting on Wednesday and it was awesome to be able to talk on charity and love. Everyone got a lot out of it so I was pretty proud! It's important to pray for charity daily so we can develop Christlike attributes. Most of our week was spent visiting less actives and finding new people. We had alot of planning as well because we are trying to clean up this area. We had interviews last week with our mission President and that was nice to just be able to have that time with him. I always look forward to it! He's the best! 

There's this investigator Chelsey and her and I are alot alike. At the beginning of the lesson we had with her we were talking about giving up smoking, drinking and coffee. She said she can't and that she has tried. So she said she wouldn't be willing to give those things up to be baptized. We went on in the lesson because we didn't want to push her. We showed her the Mormon message "daily bread: change." When we brought it up again she was more calm. She said "someday" when before she said she would smoke until the day she died. Hearts change through the power of the spirit. I told her that I would be here when she threw away her first pack of cigarettes. Those words just came out of my mouth. I had not put any thought into it so that's how I know that it was the spirit dwelling within me. Faith needs to be exercised. I may only stay here for two months or three. That's not a lot of time but I have to have faith that Christ will change Chelsey. 

Another cool thing that happened was we went to dinner with the Shaw family the day I was sick. We were highly thinking about staying home because I didn't feel the best. Well...I'm glad I sucked it up and went. Mary Shaw is the daughter and she reports to the MTC Wednesday. After dinner we always share a spiritual thought and we shared scriptures about missionary work. During one of my personal studies I had been reading this scripture and as I was I was changing words around. I have never been smart enough to do that so the spirit was definitely doing all the work. I picked the scripture Alma 56:47. 

"Now they never had fought, yet they did not fear death; and they did think more upon the liberty of their fathers than they did upon their lives; yea, they had been taught by their mothers, that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them." And I changed it to..
"Now they never had taught, yet they did not fear rejection; and they did think more upon the salvation of their brothers than they did upon their lives; yea, they had been taught by their mothers, that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them."

The spirit had the whole room crying. In that moment I knew what they had been feeling. When Mary gave her farewell talk yesterday I cried the whole time because I remember standing up there scared as heck not knowing what to expect. I was thinking back the other day when I first entered the MTC. You walk right in and someone grabs your name tag and puts it on that moment everything was quiet. I don't even remember what the lady said to me or what was going on. It was crazy how one minute I was Austin and then the next I became Sister Miles. I gave Mary a letter and my email so we will be keeping in touch. She's going to Seattle! 

Other than that things are moving along. Still have my struggles of course but what's life without trial. 

I love you all and I hope you have a wonderful week! Keep the faith. 

Sister Austin Miles ♡

HELENA, MT 59601

Week 27

Good morning! Well I'm here in Helena with Sister Packer! It's pretty dang hot up here but it's cooled down just a bit. Definitely getting the shoe tan line as well as the farmers and watch tan line. So fun! I live here in a little separate apartment technically still with members named the Neilson's! We are currently having a mice problem so we have been setting up traps and the cats kill quite a few as well. We walked into the house the other night and it just smelt so bad because of the dead mice haha. We have also killed about 30 flies so you can say there's a lot of bugs and fun things out here. We live literally in the forest surrounded by mountains. There isn't even cell service up here. We have a bunch of deer in our front yard though so that's cool. Last week consisted of unpacking, meeting ward members and investigators. Nothing crazy happened, I'm just in the adjustment part trying to get to know everyone. Yesterday was a little tough for me in a new ward. It's so different from where I was before so I'm a little homesick for great falls right now. Since I'm the new one everyone asks me to do the prayers and all that good stuff. I will be giving a discussion in district meeting on charity and love. This will just be a short email today since not much to report on but I miss you all very much. Of course as we all know I am struggling but I am doing the best that I can. I love you all and I hope you have an amazing week! Keep the faith.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Week 26

Good morming!
How was every one's fourth of July? Well it's transfer week! I am sadly leaving Great Falls after being here for almost five months. I'm super sad but honestly I need something new. Last night with the Mathews we cried saying goodbyes and it hurt but I'm glad that I was able to make an impact on their lives. As I was bearing my testimony I was just flooded with tears. My testimony has grown so much from so many people here and my heart aches to leave but I know that great falls will always have a special place in my heart. Today and tomorrow will be tough because I have more goodbyes to do! Today consists of packing :) I am getting transferred to Helena 4th ward with Sister Packer. I've met Sister Packer a few times and I've sent pictures with her! She was trained by Sister Decker and she served in my first area with my other trainer Sister Robertson. So there we have something in common! I'm nervous for the change but know that the Lord has much in store.

The two baptisms were great and successful! I am super excited for them to continue on their journeys. It's been extremely cool to go through the process with both Bonnie and Shanelle. Greg our other investigator is planning for baptism in August! He would do it now but since he is reliant on his oxygen he is scared to take it out to go under the water. But August is his month! I'm sad I won't be here but I will have the opportunity to Skype into the baptism! Greg got a priesthood blessing last night and the emotions in the room were incredible. Looking back at who is was and who he is now blows my mind. I feel extremely privileged and blessed to have taught Greg. He's the elect. 

Fourth of July was fun! We got to stay out until 10:30 only if we were with members and we went over to the Gilchers home for a BBQ with some of the other ward members! It was fun! We also got to go to the parade that day and we went with our investigators and it was a blast! It's been super hot here so we are dying but I'm getting some sun! Whoop whoop!

 Update yes there was an earthquake here...couple of after shocks too that were just as big. It was 12 in the morning and I'm a heavy sleeper so I'm surprised I woke up but I guess I was woken up to be apart of listening to Sister Cannons reaction to the earthquake. Sister Cannon has never been in an earthquake and since the second grade she has had s fear of them. Well sure enough I experienced Sister Cannons first encounter with an earthquake. She woke up and asked me "What the heck is going on?" I said "it's just an earthquake...." JUST. Being from California I didn't mind it and plus I was so dang tired I could care less if the roof was going to collapse on me or not. Since the earthquake, everyday Sister Cannon says "Guess what? There was an earthquake." Haha she can't get over it it's hilarious. All is well here though. It was a 5.8! Also to go along with a crazy week someone drove into the mission home. Not on purpose! The lady in the car had a heartache and drove into the mission home and a crazy miracle happened...her seat belt (you know when it locks?) locked so tight that it was the thing that was able to pound on her chest and restart her heart. Crazy! Nobody was hurt in the mission home. I guess this lady just really wanted the gospel so she had to make herself known! 

That's my update!

Last week was hard as it has been but I have been extremely comforted by the words of our apostles today. Whenever I'm stressed I either go straight to music or listen to a conference talk. I know these men are inspired. When you may have your struggles turn to the leaders of the church today. We are so blessed. I have a strong testimony of this gospel. I have seen so many blessings that the gospel has given me. Everything I have in my life that is good is because of Jesus Christ, my family, and my God...our eternal Father in heaven. There is a talk by Elder Holland and I invite you all to watch it. It's an amazing testimony or the Book of Mormon. It's called "Testimony of the Book of Mormon" and it's in The gospel library app. The church is true! 

I love you all and I hope you have an amazing week! 

Keep the faith. 

(New address attached) 

Sister Austin Miles ♡

2765 Thunder Rd 
Helena, MT 59601

Week 25

Hello! I've missed you! Man it's been a long week but I'm grateful it's finally Monday! How has everyone been? 

Well this week we have two baptisms. One is a convert baptism and one is a excommunicated member getting re-baptized and we are super excited! We have been in the process of finding new investigators and we are working hard! We have found about six so far these past couple of weeks! Well one of our investigators who is getting baptized this week was having a black tea issue. So she agreed to quit so we were pretty pumped! One day when we went over to teach her she showed up with a drink and I was nervous it was tea. being the weird person I am...when she wasn't looking I drank out of her drink to make sure it wasn't tea....and it wasn't! The things you do for your investigators haha. 

Well I just want to bear my testimony on the love that God has for each and every one of you. I was thinking about those who have children and I wanted to share a scripture. "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." -Proverbs 22:6 
This scripture specifically says that you as parents have the divine role of teaching hour children which way they should go. Though at times they may turn astray, they come back because they remember the things they were taught. 

I love you all and pray for you constantly. Have strength and keep the faith. 

When life gets bad, try looking up. 

Heads up! Transfers are next week so don't send anything. If you do just to let you know it has to be here before the 11th :) 

Also just a request from me..from now on I would like every one to just call me Austin. (Not sister miles please) I had a hard week and someone asked me who is Austin and honestly I've forgotten. I've been struggling a lot with some things and I would just like to be called Austin from now on. I love you all, thank you. 

Our investigator Shanelle whose getting baptized tomorrow! 

Sister Miles ♡

Week 24

Hello! Well this week was pretty slow and not too exciting. The work has been slowing down a bit and a lot of things have been decreasing in the area. More than normal so we are pretty drained and beat up! This week was pretty rough for me. One day I took a two hour nap and cried for the day. Things have been hard since Sister Decker left. I grew extremely close to her and put all of my trust in her. I miss her a lot. She helped me through a lot of my bad times when I had no one else. Fourth of July will be my six month mark which is insane. We have plans to watch fireworks with Kirby. Our curfew was pushed back to 10:30 so we get to stay out for a little longer! What a better way then to celebrate six months. 

lot this week on what I could bear my testimony to you today and it's this, If you aren't reading, praying and going to church, life won't change. You shy yourself from so many blessings that Heavenly Father wants to give you. Just act. No more excuses! I love you all so I'm going to give you some tough love since you always did to me haha. Get your butts to church or you'll be miserable when I have to drag you there when I come home! Mom and dad....I challenge you every Monday night to gather everyone together for family home evenings. We need to be united as a family. Whether you believe in the church or not, you can't go wrong with family time and feeling the spirit. Life gets busy and things come up, but when are we going to take charge of our lives and say today is the day? It's like saying you're going to exercising..."I'll start tomorrow" tomorrow comes..."I'll start next week". Now is the time. We say we will do these things and next thing we know it's been years. I used to say that with praying and reading daily. "I'll start to build that habit next week." Next week turned into months then years. No matter how painful and annoying it may be to take the next few steps, I promise its worth it. I can't go a day without praying and reading. Just like us as humans we need food to survive physically. What about surviving spiritually? Feed your soul. 

Do you know what has been keeping me out this whole time? You. Everyday is hard and I struggle but I love my family and friends so much that I dare not to take away the blessings you will receive as I serve. I don't know if you have noticed the difference in your lives since I have left but I have. Now I'm not saying it's all because of me because it isn't...its all because of Jesus Christ. I was promised that if I served my family would be extremely blessed for it. I could care less the benefits for myself. Jesus Christ has changed me, you have changed me, the people have changed me. I want you to every morning right when you wake up to get down on your knees. Don't even take another step in the day before you pray. I promise you your days and your life will change as you make time for God and Jesus Christ in your life. One day when I get married (yikes) I dream of my whole family being there with me in the temple. Now I'm not here to take away your agency I'm here to tell you that you can amount to anything if you just trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. Quit saying you can't because you can. One of the hardest things I have had to adjust to since being out here is changing my nature. It's a hard thing. If you're used to drinking or smoking or using bad language and so can be a hard thing to change. Let me ask you this, who do you want to be when the Savior comes? I think of this question everyday. I am not a perfect missionary but I am trying my best to follow in the Saviors footsteps. Take it day by day. 

Are you all keeping up to date on my Facebook? If not go and watch or read some of the things I have posted. I have posted them because I have felt inspired and know you can all benefit from the messages.

"....for a man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart." - 1 Samuel 16:7

I testify that the Lord knows each and every one of you personally. He looks at your heart and your desires. If no one in the world may understand you I know that Jesus Christ does. I know that in order to survive spiritually we have to involve the gospel in our lives. How excited do your children get for church? The Lord said: "Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven." - Matthew 18:4 
Though they may be little, the children of this generation are so wise. They are our examples. What's my favorite part about attending church here? Seeing the children and how innocent they are. They keep me going. I know that God loves each and every one of His children. 

Ward Carnival
If you are struggling with something please open up to me and I'm sure I can find something that can help and uplift you. Remember you don't have to do this life alone. "God does notice us and he watches over us. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs." - President Kimball 

You all amaze me. I love you deeply and miss you terribly. I know the Lord will strengthen me and my weaknesses. I promise he can do the same for you. 

Sister Austin Miles