lot this week on what I could bear my testimony to you today and it's this, If you aren't reading, praying and going to church, life won't change. You shy yourself from so many blessings that Heavenly Father wants to give you. Just act. No more excuses! I love you all so I'm going to give you some tough love since you always did to me haha. Get your butts to church or you'll be miserable when I have to drag you there when I come home! Mom and dad....I challenge you every Monday night to gather everyone together for family home evenings. We need to be united as a family. Whether you believe in the church or not, you can't go wrong with family time and feeling the spirit. Life gets busy and things come up, but when are we going to take charge of our lives and say today is the day? It's like saying you're going to exercising..."I'll start tomorrow" tomorrow comes..."I'll start next week". Now is the time. We say we will do these things and next thing we know it's been years. I used to say that with praying and reading daily. "I'll start to build that habit next week." Next week turned into months then years. No matter how painful and annoying it may be to take the next few steps, I promise its worth it. I can't go a day without praying and reading. Just like us as humans we need food to survive physically. What about surviving spiritually? Feed your soul.
Do you know what has been keeping me out this whole time? You. Everyday is hard and I struggle but I love my family and friends so much that I dare not to take away the blessings you will receive as I serve. I don't know if you have noticed the difference in your lives since I have left but I have. Now I'm not saying it's all because of me because it isn't...its all because of Jesus Christ. I was promised that if I served my family would be extremely blessed for it. I could care less the benefits for myself. Jesus Christ has changed me, you have changed me, the people have changed me. I want you to every morning right when you wake up to get down on your knees. Don't even take another step in the day before you pray. I promise you your days and your life will change as you make time for God and Jesus Christ in your life. One day when I get married (yikes) I dream of my whole family being there with me in the temple. Now I'm not here to take away your agency I'm here to tell you that you can amount to anything if you just trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. Quit saying you can't because you can. One of the hardest things I have had to adjust to since being out here is changing my nature. It's a hard thing. If you're used to drinking or smoking or using bad language and so on...it can be a hard thing to change. Let me ask you this, who do you want to be when the Savior comes? I think of this question everyday. I am not a perfect missionary but I am trying my best to follow in the Saviors footsteps. Take it day by day.
Are you all keeping up to date on my Facebook? If not go and watch or read some of the things I have posted. I have posted them because I have felt inspired and know you can all benefit from the messages.
"....for a man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart." - 1 Samuel 16:7
Though they may be little, the children of this generation are so wise. They are our examples. What's my favorite part about attending church here? Seeing the children and how innocent they are. They keep me going. I know that God loves each and every one of His children.
Ward Carnival |
If you are struggling with something please open up to me and I'm sure I can find something that can help and uplift you. Remember you don't have to do this life alone. "God does notice us and he watches over us. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs." - President Kimball
You all amaze me. I love you deeply and miss you terribly. I know the Lord will strengthen me and my weaknesses. I promise he can do the same for you.
Sister Austin Miles
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