Well hello again! So much has happened this week! Welp...here I go...
So Tuesday! Our neighbor has this black cat and she had gotten out and was missing for about three days. Prior to all of this we had gotten a phone call from an investigator saying he wants to be baptized! So after the call I put his name in (so I thought I did) and that was that. The next day we planned to call him back to talk more with him so we called him and it ended up being another lady that we had helped move into her home a week or so ago from the overlook ward. (By the way I'm in portage ward) It was a super awkward phone call because we didn't mean to call her but we ended up being an answer to her prayers. She was very short on food and money so we brought her some of our food. While we were in that area we had seen a black cat and the cat looked familiar. Long story short it ended up being our neighbors cat! Basically all because I put the wrong name on a number it led us to two acts of service. We answered two prayers! It wasn't anything extreme but it was cool to see how the Lord works in mysterious ways. So that happened!
We also saw a less active member and his girlfriend whose an investigator. We taught them the plan of salvation and Lucas (whose a member) has been struggling for a really long time. He has only been to church once this whole year and he came yesterday! I don't know what me or Sister Decker did that helped him get to church but I do know that all the love we gave to him saved his depressed soul. He came to church and was just so happy. We sat next to him and when he walked into the chapel I could feel my face just light up. I love this work! Also this week was exchanges! I went to Helena with Sister Miller for a day and stayed the night there and it was fun! There was a super cool view from the members home in the morning! Sister Miller and I did tracting (knocked on doors) and found two new investigators! We had a few lessons that day as well and it was cool to see a different area for a day and meet new people!
Sister Decker and I also taught the overlook wards young women about money management as missionaries and we both laughed when they asked us to teach. We are the last people on earth that know much about managing money but it was great!
This week we also found two new potential investigators and one of them is a girl named Ally. Right when we opened the door she said "I don't have much time but do you have a pamphlet or a Book of Mormon I can have?" I've never met anyone that made it that easy for us! We are planning to go back this week to see her! Guess what...we have someone on date for baptism! Her name is Shanelle and her set baptism date is May 13th so I really hope I'm here! She's so awesome and is so ready! Exciting stuff! Overall we are working with a lot of people to get their Patriarchal Blessings and endowments! Saturday was Women's General Conference and it was so awesome being able to have that down time and to hear uplifting messages. I needed it. That pretty much sums up my week!
Also Sister Decker and I are now obsessed with otter pops. We eat about two a day It's bad...and a lot of chocolate from Kirby haha. My nickname is now "Blackie" because my hair turned out black after I dyed it. It's okay because one of the elders said it looked beautiful so I guess it looks great! This week is zone conference where my mission presidents come to speak to us and I'm so excited! Best time of the transfer! Also guess what....THREE MORE WEEKS OF TRAINING THEN I'M DONE! I'm almost to my three month mark too! Milestones! This has been a long hard road already. I'm doing this because I love my Savior and my family. I was told today that your mission is not the best 18-24 months of your life...but that it is the best 18-24 months FOR YOUR LIFE.
Some notes from Women's General Conference that can apply to all of us:
•Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not on thine own understanding. This is a warning and a blessing.
•Lean on the Savior, not thyself.
•How do I cultivate trust in the Savior? Feast upon the words of Christ because the words of Christ will tell us all things which we should do.
•More scriptures nourishes our minds. Search them diligently.
•We can come to know the lord through prayer. Pray unto the lord with all thy heart.
•We will come to know the Savior and trust him as we pray.
•Heavenly Father is ready to give if we ask.
•Service can save us.
•When we turn our focus to others there is light, hope, and joy. When we turn our focus to ourselves there is darkness because the natural man is selfish. Charity!
•Jesus Christ has overcome the world. Through the Atonement we can know that all will be well.
•Though storm clouds may form, our knowledge of the gospel and love from our Savior will help us if we will just trust him.
•Holiness is what keeps our choices pure.
•Holiness is what helps the spirit reside and what helps us throughout temptations.
•We must stay Holy in order to be true saints.
•Behold I am God and my name is Holiness.
•With faith in Jesus Christ we can be made clean.
•We become partakers of the Father the Son and the holy ghost as we seek their divine nature.
•We need to be worthy to take of the Sacrament and keep the Sabbath day holy.
•We need to forsake the ways of the world.
•Submissive, meek, humble, and full of love.
•Jesus Christ is the beauty of Holiness.
•Heavenly Father has given us the capacity to be holy.
•I believe that thou art the Christ, the Son of God.
•Hold on, for the lord will provide.
•Do ye not want the highest glory?
•We must make sacrifices to be holy disciples of Christ.
•Keep our covenants that we made with God.
•Drink of the living water.
•May we remember the certain women who refused to leave the Savior while on the cross. And stayed to witness him risen from the dead. He lives.
•Infinite Atonement
•The Lord promises us peace.
•Heavenly Father sends the holy ghost. Peace I give unto you. Not like the world. Be not afraid.
•Be comforted.
•Ether 12:27
•Those who do not see their weaknesses do not progress.
•Weak things become strong.
•The holy ghost will bring all things unto remembrance.
•Put your trust in the Spirit that leadeth to do good.
•We can invite a lamb back to the flock. We need to welcome the lost sheep back to the flock.
•Having love towards another and unity.
•Let the holy ghost temper our feelings.
•The spirit sees the pure love of Christ.
•If ye have not charity, ye are nothing. Charity never faileth. Charity is the pure love of Christ.
•His beloved Son is inviting you to come unto him.
•Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not on thine own understanding. This is a warning and a blessing.
•Lean on the Savior, not thyself.
•How do I cultivate trust in the Savior? Feast upon the words of Christ because the words of Christ will tell us all things which we should do.
•More scriptures nourishes our minds. Search them diligently.
•We can come to know the lord through prayer. Pray unto the lord with all thy heart.
•We will come to know the Savior and trust him as we pray.
•Heavenly Father is ready to give if we ask.
•Service can save us.
•When we turn our focus to others there is light, hope, and joy. When we turn our focus to ourselves there is darkness because the natural man is selfish. Charity!
•Jesus Christ has overcome the world. Through the Atonement we can know that all will be well.
•Though storm clouds may form, our knowledge of the gospel and love from our Savior will help us if we will just trust him.
•Holiness is what keeps our choices pure.
•Holiness is what helps the spirit reside and what helps us throughout temptations.
•We must stay Holy in order to be true saints.
•Behold I am God and my name is Holiness.
•With faith in Jesus Christ we can be made clean.
•We become partakers of the Father the Son and the holy ghost as we seek their divine nature.
•We need to be worthy to take of the Sacrament and keep the Sabbath day holy.
•We need to forsake the ways of the world.
•Submissive, meek, humble, and full of love.
•Jesus Christ is the beauty of Holiness.
•Heavenly Father has given us the capacity to be holy.
•I believe that thou art the Christ, the Son of God.
•Hold on, for the lord will provide.
•Do ye not want the highest glory?
•We must make sacrifices to be holy disciples of Christ.
•Keep our covenants that we made with God.
•Drink of the living water.
•May we remember the certain women who refused to leave the Savior while on the cross. And stayed to witness him risen from the dead. He lives.
•Infinite Atonement
•The Lord promises us peace.
•Heavenly Father sends the holy ghost. Peace I give unto you. Not like the world. Be not afraid.
•Be comforted.
•Ether 12:27
•Those who do not see their weaknesses do not progress.
•Weak things become strong.
•The holy ghost will bring all things unto remembrance.
•Put your trust in the Spirit that leadeth to do good.
•We can invite a lamb back to the flock. We need to welcome the lost sheep back to the flock.
•Having love towards another and unity.
•Let the holy ghost temper our feelings.
•The spirit sees the pure love of Christ.
•If ye have not charity, ye are nothing. Charity never faileth. Charity is the pure love of Christ.
•His beloved Son is inviting you to come unto him.
Christ has rescued me. As I read more in my scriptures, pray, serve, and go to church; I truly see how divine Heavenly Father really is. I am grateful for the mercy and grace that has been extended to me from my Savior, Jesus Christ. Christ has rescued my soul, that I may not perish but truly have everlasting life. We are given everything we need to return back to our Heavenly Father. We just need to follow and trust in the Lord. He will provide and I know that. I would like to bare my testimony on tithing today and the importance of it. We are promised so many blessings as we pay our tithing and give fast offerings. "Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings." -Malachi 3:8. We have been blessed with so much and the smallest thing like giving 10% of all of our income to God shows our appreciation of all that we have been given and truly how much we love God. We rob ourselves of blessings by not paying our tithing. I know that the Lord will provide always if we do our part. I have a testimony on temple work and the importance of it. I've never been happier in my life than when I am in the temple. You feel the closest to God there. With conference coming up I challenge you all to write down at least three solid questions that you are seeking an answer for. While watching conference, have those questions in mind. I promise you that those questions will be answered. I love you all so much. The church is true. Strive to live in righteousness.
Follow up:
How's scripture study? Prayers? Temple work? Patriarchal Blessings? Service? Lessons with missionaries? Church? Etc..I wanna hear all about it!
Thought of the day: If the Savior stood beside you, would you do the things you do?