Monday, June 4, 2018

My Last Week in the Mission Field and My last post to this Blog as I return home June 9th 2018 what a great experience it has been for sure.

"You can do hard things" -Sister Wadsworth #HoorahforIsrael

Well here it is everyone, my last email. What a crazy journey it has been! I'm glad I was able to have all of you be apart of it.

First off for some highlights for the week:
~We got to Skype in with Sister Galloways parents for a lesson with the elders down in Texas! So rad! (For those who don't know her parents aren't members).
~ We had lunch with Sister Zullo! Tears were shed!
~I had my LAST interview with President Wadsworth which consisted of tons of tears!
~We had lunch with Sister Thiel, she's always a hoot!
~I said bye to Don along with tons of other people!
~All the missionaries in Billings did temple planting from 9-1pm on Saturday and man Sister Galloway and I are burnt!
~We are now in a trio with Sister Child! We picked her up Saturday!
~We had stake conference as well as fast Sunday for our other stake! (Yes we cover two stakes)
~Yesterday we watched the youth broadcast at the Crossley home and it was a blast! Our prophet is amazing!
~My blow dryer sparked on me big time and put holes through my clothing. It was bad! Almost started a fire!
~Of course I got sick again as well. Gotta go out with a bang I guess!
~I was able to bear my testimony in my old ward Echo Canyon!
~Primary sang "I hope they call me on a mission" to me in church! I was a mess!
~Eric, Sister Galloway and I scared Sister Crossley so bad she peed. Classic! (We love them) 
~Eli Whicker got his mission call to Carlsbad California Spanish speaking!
~Kaleb Morrison got his mission call to Tahiti French speaking! 

Here are some quotes Sister Galloway wrote down for me:
-Sister riley: "We're gonna miss Sister Miles as she goes home right kids?"
-Eric: "Don't worry Sister Miles I'll write you!"
-Michelle: *looks at Sister Miles* "I'm gonna make you gorgeous" *smears chapstick on Sister Miles face*     Michelle: "Perfect."
-Bryce: "Yeah bandit was an illegal immigrant dog at least in these apartments we can't really have pets."
-Don: *talking about Sister Miles leaving* "This sucks, this seriously sucks. Sorry but it does."
-Sister Theil: "People in your emails are gonna think I'm crazy. I'm not, I'm just a pistol packing mama well... grandma now."
-Sister Miles: *driving through a puddle* "I think I just decked those people" *3 people got completely soaked*.

From some of these highlights I wanted to elaborate on some of them.

As President and I talked in my last interview, we had a great time reminiscing on all of the things I have been able to overcome. He asked me what my number one take away was from my mission. I responded saying "that there is a God, and He knows me and loves me." This sentence sounds very smooth but it took me about a minute to say that all because I was crying so much. It was the cutest as I looked over at President and he was crying with me. I have the best mission President in the world. He has encouraged me, wept with me, fought for me and laughed with me. A friend I will have for life. As our interview came to a close he looked at me and said, "You'll always be a hero in my book." More tears!

Stake Conference was amazing. President Ludwig shared a great story with us that really touched my heart. He shared a story of him and his sons doing a 4-mile hike up a steep mountain. There was a halfway point at the 2-mile mark where they could stop for lunch and take a short break. President Ludwig said that the view from that point was beautiful and they were thinking of just stopping there. But they decided to finish the hike up to the top. When they reached the top he said it was absouletly breathtaking and they were so grateful that they had decided to finish the hike. I relate to this story in alot of ways. My halfway point would have been a beautiful experience but the finish line is what will be breathtaking, like President Ludwig said. My halfway point was a huge change not only in my mission but my life. I had a break down then and that was when I officially decided I was to finish my mission. I testify that everything in life that is challenging is worth the climb.

Sunday we were called into primary by Sister Riley and she brought me up to the front. Within that second the piano started and the children stood with colorful scarfs in their hands. They sang to me "I hope they call me on a mission." I was lost for words and my make up was pretty much gone after they sang that wonderful song to me. I looked around the room to find the teachers crying as well. The Spirit was so strong in that room. The innocence is what I love and what their tiny little hearts hold. All their dreams and desires. Jesus says: "And again I say unto you, ye must repent, and be baptized in my name, and become as a little child, or ye can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God." & "Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God." I testify that Jesus does love little children. The children on my mission have played such a huge role in my life. They have been great examples to me and have helped me to be a better person.

I love this church and I have loved my mission. I have had wonderful companions. I have had wonderful experiences. This has been a life changing experience for me which I will never forget. Jesus Christ has been my saving grace. The Atonement has healed me beyond what I have hoped for. Jesus Christ did suffer in Gethsemane for you and for me. God does love you. Seek to know His will and you will find that joy you are looking for. The Book of Mormon is true and it testifies of Christ. Joseph Smith is the prophet of this last dispensation. I am grateful for his courage and determination to spread the gospel to all he knew.

I wanted to express my love for each of you. Thank you for all of the emails, packages and letters I have received. Your encouraging words have helped me to conquer the greatest challenge I have had in my life. This was not easy but it was 100% worth it.

Lastly to my companions. Thank you for strengthening my testimony when I was weak. Thank you for putting up with my stubborn heart and crazy personality. I wanted to share with you all what I have summed up to describe each of my companions.

•Sister Robertson~ Diligent.
•Sister Decker~ Loving.
•Sister Cannon~ Passionate.
•Sister Packer~ Patient.
•Sister Labrum~ Bold.
•Sister Phillips~ Talented.
•Sister Lewis~ Selfless.
•Sister Mounteer~ Gentle.
•Sister Hunter~ Positive.
•Sister Galloway~ Brave.

I love all of you! Reminder my homecoming talk is this Sunday June 10th at 11 am at the LDS Peachland Building on Peachland in Newhall, Ca and the open house will be from 2:30-4:30 pm! at our home in Newhall See you soon!

Keep the faith.

Sister Austin Miles

2215 Monad Rd. Apt. 4
Billings, MT 59102

Montana Billings Mission

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