Sunday, March 18, 2018


"It's going to be a great day, we are going to go out and be persecuted like Paul!" -President Ballard

Goodmorning everyone! This time change is getting to me for sure! Today we decided that we are definitely taking a nap! Also this is the last week of the transfer already! What! 

Well this past week was full of ups and downs. To start off with a good thing, I'll share about Dons lesson last Monday night. So I have been meeting with Don since Sister Mounteer was here. This last lesson we were concerned that he wasn't reading the Book of Mormon and having a real desire to learn. By the end of the lesson Don shared that if he finds out that the church is true he will be baptized and bring his family. So we have some hope for Don! 

Tuesday we got to go to the temple again and it was the best! We also went over to the Shiloh sisters old apartment to help them clean it and as well with Elder Kasper. After that we were so dead so the rest of the day I was moving kind of slow. We baked cookies for some of our investigators and members that were sick and spent some time passing those out. The rest of Tuesday wasn't all that eventful, we just went about finding! 

Wednesday we had interviews first thing and man I just love President! I spent well over 15 minutes in my interview (35 minutes) because I was a blubbery mess. Anyways, the rest of the day was full of lessons, piano playing, singing with the sisters and more. 

Thursday was wonderful. Why? BECAUSE OUR APARTMENT FLOODED FOR THE SECOND TIME. We had left to go do some service and came home to a giant puddle in our kitchen. The main line (once again) had backed up into our sink and least to say we had some yummy things come up out of the sink. That was Thursday for ya!

Friday I had a doctor's appointment so that was how we started off the day. We also got Cafe Rio because why not. We were feeling charitable that day so we picked some Cafe Rio up for Elder Black and Elder Griffin because they were dying in their apartment. Later that day we went over for our usual lesson with the Seavys and it did not end well. Long story short Haileys baptism is being postponed until April and Heidi won't be getting baptized anytime soon. It was sad and so discouraging but we are just going to keep continuing to love them. 

Saturday was exciting! President Ballard visited the mission in Missoula. We didn't get to meet him but we had a devotional where he spoke to the whole mission. It was pretty awesome and President Ballard is the most blunt and humorous man ever, my kinda person. Here are some of his quotes:
-"It doesn't matter what you think, it doesn't matter what I think, what matters is what did Jesus teach?"
-"You can't get one because you're not President of the Dessert Book"
-"I don't know about talking about basketball, I don't know that they play that in heaven"
-"I'm too old to convert"  "Well that's all the more reason to convert, you're gonna die soon"

Gotta love him! 

Sunday was madness as always! Not much else to report there! 

I hope you all had a great week and I love you lots! 

Keep the faith. 

-South side 
-painting the Greens dogs nails with a sharpie 
-after flooding 
-Sister Hodges! 
-shiloh sisters aka Sivley crew 

Sister Austin Miles

2215 Monad Rd. Apt. 4
Billings, MT 59102

Montana Billings Mission 

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