Friday, March 30, 2018

Week 62

Sister Galloway: "Are you wearing blush? Me: "Yes." Sister Galloway: "Oh it just looks like someone punch you in the face."

Hey hey! Well it's been a great/crazy week! It was a sad time saying bye to Sister Hunter but so great to bring in Sister Galloway! She's a hoot! She's a convert of TWO YEARS! She's such a rockstar! I love her so much! 

This week was madness! Sister Galloway got sick so we spent a whole day inside and never saw the light. Then I got sick and was dead on the couch for a good while. 

-three new investigators!
-ward split! 

I'm too lazy to write a full email so here's a copy of Sister Galloways email:

"Also I forgot to mention my new companion Sister Miles she's awesome and from California.  I was excited to have a companion that hates the cold but she actually likes it. We pretty much have a gospel party everyday.
One of our conversations:
Me. "I'm too big for the trash" Sister Miles: "you're right the dumpsters a better fit"
as you can see we're already best friends (like seriously I love this woman). Also my new apartment is so nice WiFi and washers and dryers!!! Even though the apartment is haunted my clock/CD player was plugged into a power outlet that doesn't work and it randomly started playing, and then some of the lights on the wall fell down. Send help.
It's been crazy trying to get to know so many people so quickly but it's been fun. Also from who I met so far our district is going to be really fun.
We also have some really interesting investigators. One family thought they were baptised into the Mormon church but weren't. Another family believes in Jesus Christ but not that he's perfect. Is been fun and hard getting to know all these people.
And guess what remember how last week I was throwing up sick well this week I had the pleasure of being introduced to a new germ here in Billings and woke up Saturday with a sore throat and very sick again and ended up taking the day off so I slept for over 20 hours I didn't know that was possible.
Then the following day we ended up having 6 hours of church we were both kind of dying. It's been a fun week."

Love you all, keep the faith. 

Sister Austin Miles

2215 Monad Rd. Apt. 4
Billings, MT 59102

Montana Billings Mission 

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