Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Week 16

Hey! Well my week was pretty boring so I don't have a ton to report on! I won't lie this week went by pretty slow! How has everyone else been? 

This week we have been having a spider problem so our landlord has to come spray our house today because it's bad! I've killed about 50 spiders since I've been here. Its insane! 

We'll this week we set a goal for three baptisms this transfer so we are working hard! We have about five potential people for baptism so we have been praying like crazy!  Transfers happened last week! We went down to Helena to pick up Sister Ashcrofts companion (Sister Mounteer my MTC companion). Sister Lewis also showed up so I was screaming! All us Sisters from the mtc were reunited except Sister Lystrup so she wasn't able to be apart of the pictures. Sad day. In one of the pictures below is with Sister Packer! Sister Decker trained Sister Packer and I so we all got a picture together! We had our transfer meeting Thursday and it was so amazing. One of the most spiritual meetings I have ever been apart of. We talked a lot about what we have learned so far on our missions and my response was this: I have learned the importance of changing nature. Being more godly than worldly. This life is about becoming who the Savior wants us to be and knows we can be. I have learned how infinite our influences are to those around us. I have had to learn and accept that my family is better off without me when I am doing the Lords work. I thought back to the day I had to let go of my loved ones and take a huge step forward. I let go of my loved ones because of the love I have for the Lord. Looking back it's crazy...I have almost been out 4 months! I remember back in my first week saying I'll never make it to May but it's already here!

 I have discovered a new fear of mine this past week and it's........nursing homes. Yes I know, random. Sister Decker and I went to go visit a member for the first time in the nursing home and I was sweating the whole time in there and freaking out! We went back a second time with the elders and they were just laughing at me but it's a real fear of mine! Haha so fun fact for ya! This week Sister Decker and I are making appointments for the dentist because I'm pretty sure I have a cavity! All that candy! Well yesterday we had ward council for almost four hours and I was falling asleep! It was rough but this ward is so awesome! We have so much work to do! It can be overwhelming at times but I love being busy! I think I'm starting to get the hang of this whole missionary thing haha. Today we just have the usual errands and tons of cleaning! Sorry my week was kind of boring! This week about four people dropped us so it was pretty sad and shocking. Just means we gotta go out and find more people! 

I love you all so much and miss you more than ever. Yesterday in Sacrament the topic was missionary work. It's so important to get involved in missionary work. Especially with the missionaries! They need you! Most of our referrals have come from members and it's amazing. I know that this Gospel is true. I love seeing the light in others when they realize they were missing something so great and finally found it. Go out and find the one. I know that everyday we need to be reading our scriptures and praying because that's how we strengthen our faith and our relationship with our Heavenly Father. 

Sister Miles ♡

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