Monday, April 30, 2018


Sister Galloway: "If you go less active when you go home I'm freaking going to come and fly to California and slap you upside the head." Sister Wadsworth: "That's a good friend."

Hello hello! Well here it is for my last transfer news...I'm staying here with Sister Galloway with six months in this area! I am so happy to be finishing my mission here! I will be the second companion Sister Galloway has sent home so she's not too happy about that but I'm so glad I will be finishing my mission with a friend.

This week was full of visits! Since being here in this area, I have made a goal to visit every member in the ward whether they were active or not. Sister Galloway and I are just about there and there are about 500 people in Monad! We now are doing the same with our new Cove Creek Ward. I just love the people here so much and it makes my heart hurt to think I will have to leave them soon!

We had our last district meeting of the transfer and Elder Jackson of course made me cry! He always shares the most spiritual things that have me messed up. We went to Cafe Rio (of course) after with all the sisters and it was a party! I got to see the lovely Sister Mchoes as well! After lunch we went over to see the Seavys to visit. We hadn't seen them for two weeks so I was missing Hailey and Heidi!

We had a great lesson with Don which was full of questions after he attended church for the first time.  Two of our stellar ward missionaries joined us and it was great! Tomorrow we and a few other ward members are having a mini party at Dons house! Whoop whoop! After the lesson we had dinner with the Fonda family who I just love so much! I always feel the spirit so strongly in their home. During the lesson half of us were tearing up and in that moment I realized that I never wanted the feeling of peace to ever go away. I love the Holy Ghost and his presence. That day I received another witness that the Holy Ghost is sent from the Father to comfort us and stand as a witness of Him. I love the gospel!

For a couple of hours each day I worked on a list for the ward to help them to know who had moved, wasn't interested, or didn't want to be contacted and man I was tired! That's why our week was full of alot of visits because we have been trying to help Monad Ward adjust after the boundaries changed back in November. So that took some time!

Every dinner, except two cancelled on us this past week so we did alot of eating out haha. Especially Cafe Rio and smoothies. We also had dinner with the Bishops family! I love the Allen family so much and they have a baby boy whose about four months old! Man I cannot wait to hold babies when I come home! Hardest rule on the mission!

Saturday we went early to the mission home so I could say goodbye to some of my favorite sisters! Three of which who were my companions went home! Can't believe that will be me soon! Yikes! The rest of the day we had some lessons and of course more people to visit!

Sunday is always great because I love seeing the members of both our wards. I even got to see some people from my old ward Echo Canyon! I miss them! Third hour of the Cove Creek Ward was so spiritual. The bishopric had me crying the whole time! We talked about the new ministering program we are doing now instead of home/visiting teaching. We as children of God and those members of the church need to do as the Savior and minister to the one. We need to take time with individuals, take interest in their lives and their struggles and support them. We need to do as the Savior commanded and that is to love one another.

I am so grateful for my mission and the new perspective it has given me on others and on life. Below I wanted to attach a bible video that I love so much as young Jesus teaches at the temple. He was always about His Father's business.

I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week! Keep the faith. 

Sister Austin Miles

2215 Monad Rd. Apt. 4
Billings, MT 59102

Montana Billings Mission 

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