Monday, January 22, 2018

Week 46

"What's your password? ...."old fart"...."are you being serious"..."yeah no one's guessed it yet."- Brother Pierce

Howdy! Well this email will probably be boring like the last one but I'm glad it's Monday! Hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving. 

We have been teaching like crazy! We ended this week with 48 lessons! We have been working on trying to find more people to teach. It was a little tough all week but Sunday evening we found six new people! It was a huge blessing! Total we found 10 new investigators for the week so we are hoping to see some potential in them!

Tuesday we had exchanges and I got to go down to Helena with Sister Jensen and SHE IS THE BOMB! I am so sad she is leaving in a few weeks! We had a great time that day and found some new people! It was a successful day! I just can't seem to escape Helena haha. It was nice though to catch a little break from my area and to see something new. 

Wednesday we had district meeting as usual and it was very uplifting! We headed off to Philipsburg after and taught like crazy! It's been hard finding investigators to teach there but we are trying! We were supposed to have a dinner in Philipsburg but it didn't end up happening so we were stuck with no dinner. Fun fact, everything closes at 4 o'clock and everything was already closed for the holidays. So we resulted in driving to the little grocery store and bought microwave food and ate that for dinner. You gotta do what cha gotta do! 

Thursday was thanksgiving. We weekly planned as usual and baked tons of cookies to hand out to people. This year was for sure the quietest thanksgiving I have ever had. It really didn't feel like thanksgiving I pretty much forgot. Sad but true. Overall we found ways that we could serve others and incorporate the new #lighttheworld initiative! 

Friday we did finding ALL DAY. We met alot of cool new (interesting) people though! 

Saturday I got sick and was dying in my bed. My medical coordinator said it was wise for me to sleep. So Saturday was a little slower. 

Sunday church was so quiet because everyone was out of town for the holidays. We spent most of that day finding and that's when our miracle investigators popped up! We had some fun run ins with people too. One lady is a member of the church and we were asked to go over and visit her. We showed up and she went off on us. We asked if there was a better time that we can could come back and she said "How about never." Things like this you just have to laugh and not let it get to you. Later that day we were out tracting and we knocked on this guy's garage door to ask if he knew where another person was. He was in the middle of butchering and let me tell was bloody and nasty. That's Montana for ya! He came out and got in our face and said "I'm Batman. That guy on tv is an imposter, I'm the real Batman." So that was interesting. We then went over to go visit a member who we haven't seen at church in a while. His girlfriend always answers the door and gives us the look. She's an older lady and she's a boss. I love her haha. Anyways she said she wasn't up for company but then she decided to come outside and warn us of some things. She then started to rant about her neighbor who she "beat the crap out of" (her words). I really couldn't hold it together. She was then putting up her fists and acting out what had happened and it was just hilarious. So basically Jann is a boss and I love her. 

Whoop whoop #lighttheworld came out! Hope you all have watched the video on! It's amazing! Get your communities involved! 

Next week will be 11 months out in the mission field...WHAAAAA. I'll send more pictures later! 

I love you all so much! Keep the faith.

"Unless we lose ourselves in service to others, there is little purpose to our lives."-Bonnie L. Oscarson 

Sister Austin Miles

PO Box 284 Deer Lodge MT 59722

Montana Billings Mission

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