Monday, January 22, 2018

Week 48

"Randy: Janice what did you eat? "Janice: that was a good fart!" Stacey: "you all need professional help."

Goodmorning wonderful people! Another eventful week here for Sister Miles! Guess what? I had a cold all week :) yes, I have been sick this whole transfer. It's been a rough one. 

Last Monday we went down to Butte and spent time there with some of the other missionaries and played some games. I went all out with pod ball as usual. 

Tuesday was a big finding day as well as some lessons here and there. We had a lesson with Tim and he's so close to baptism! We had to take him off date because he expressed that he just needs to take his time. He came to church Sunday though! It was amazing! This week we have our ward Christmas party and Tim will be playing Santa so he is excited about that. We also made the 30 minute drive out to the Perkins home for dinner that night! I just adore their kids. They love me just like family which is comforting to me. At the end of dinner the kids asked us if we would help decorate their tree so we stayed with the time we had left and did that. At the end the kids ended up decorating me instead of the tree. These moments are what matter. That night we went to the Ebels home and visited with them. They used to be on date for baptism but had some concerns. They now are taking the lessons again! Their household is nuts! They have about 20 people coming and going everyday. The quote in my subject line is from them, that explains their characters. I love them! 

Wednesday was good ole zone conference! This was the Christmas zone conference so it was extra special. We made the drive down to Helena and were there until about two. There was a talent show at the end (which I just watched) and it was the bomb. After we had got done eating we each got goody bags with some gifts from the mission and letters! Yes I cried. We then had a slideshow prepared for us that had each missionary in the mission with a baby picture or another picture of some sort that our parents sent in. It was embarrassing because now the whole mission has seen my past features haha. After all that we drove back to Deer Lodge and had a few great lessons! 

Thursday we weekly planned and had a few other things we had to do before we went off to do service at the senior center! It's always a fun time there! We were so busy there that we were going into our dinner time and ended up only with 15 minutes for dinner since we had a lesson right after service. It's was hectic! We had a great lesson with one of my all time favorite investigators (john because he's ornery like me). The lesson at first was rocky but at the end we invited him to be baptized on January 20th and he accepted! He agreed to read and more! After we invited him to be baptized he said "okay but I get to be naked". At this point I smacked myself on the face but wasn't surprised that he said that. Typical John. Now John is a very proud guy. During the lesson he was being stubborn and all of the sudden it was quiet and he was staring me in the eyes and I said "you need to be more humble". I was like DID I JUST SAY THAT. After that he accepted it and agreed to read which before he wouldn't do. He then agreed to be baptized and find out for himself if this was true. The spirit for sure called John to repentance but had to use me! We laughed after but I really was grateful for the spirit and how bold it is. 

Friday we had service until three and were super busy. We saw Judy after service and had a great conversation with her. She is currently on date to be baptized the 30th of this month but won't make that date. She is amazing! Her hold up is attending church because he's constantly babysitting her grandkids. She wants to take her time as well so she can help her daughter get to church with her. It was improvement for Judy because she opened up and really showed a desire to change! After Judy we had a lesson with my pal Joseph. We brought the Miller's with us and it was a success! Sister Miller asked Joseph if he was going to make his date for baptism (January 24th) and he looked at her shocked that she had asked and with his sassy tone he said "oh yeah!" Whoop whoop! Later that night we had a great lesson with Sarah and Shane. We were more focused on Sarah who was going to be baptized along with Shane but backed down. She was honest with her concerns and she said she didnt like organized religion. I asked her what she enjoyed when she was investigating and reading the Book of Mormon. She said "I was alot happier." I just adore Sarah so much. I know that the Book of Mormon is true, that you will find peace and true happiness by reading it each day.

Saturday I was sick all afternoon (dying in my bed). It was rough. Sister Lewis is like my girl husband. She always takes care of me when I'm sick and cooks me food. The rest of the day we went out finding. We had dinner with an investigator who had been taught by the sisters for over a year. Her name is Anngie! She made us tacos and made us try something that Sister Shoemaker said "changed her life." Okay it sounds weird but oil and vinegar on your was actually good! We later went over and saw sweet Tammy and just had a blast with her. 

Sunday we went down to Philipsburg since we hadn't been there in weeks. We got docked more miles this month so we can't make as many trips as we would like. All through church I had to get up at least five times to blow my nose since I was sick. We were then asked to say the prayers and I was so nasally so that was fun.

That was my week! I love you all. Keep the faith. 


"You cannot be too good. Patience is heavenly, obedience is noble, forgiveness is merciful, and exaltation is godly; and he that holds out faithful to the end shall in no wise lose his reward. A good man [or woman] will endure all things to honor Christ." -Ensign 2017

"I'm a tomato and no one accepts me"-Sarah
*throws ball at me* "Sometimes I make bad choices in an instant and that was one of them."-Sister Lewis
*invites to be baptized* "okay but I get to be naked."- John 

Sister Austin Miles

PO Box 284 Deer Lodge MT 59722

Montana Billings Mission

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